Past Master Councilor's Meritorious Service Award

One of the most prestigious awards in all of DeMolay, the Past Master Councilor's Meritorious Service Award, was designed by DeMolay's founder, Dad Frank S. Land. The PMC-MSA rewards good program planning and execution by a Chapter's Master Councilor. The award itself is an attractive gold-colored medal and is granted without charge.

PMC-MSA Requirements

  1. A Letter of Intent is sent to the Executive Officer from the newly installed Master Councilor within 10 days following his installation indicating interest in earning the Meritorious Service Award. The Letter of Intent is signed by that Master Councilor and cosigned by either the Chapter Dad or Chairman. The Letter of Intent must include the following:
    1. that the Master Councilor has memorized the ritualistic opening/closing ceremonies
    2. the Master Councilor has completed a written program of activities and events for the six months of his term of office
    3. the written program has been duplicated and distributed to Chapter members
    4. the written program follows the guidelines listed in the DeMolay Program Planning Guide
    5. the written program is attached to the Letter of Intent
    1. The Chapter initiates this term's pro-rated share of the membership quota during the Master Councilor's term of office.
    2. The Chapter Dad and / or Ritual Advisor will confirm the Master Councilor has delivered from memory, the ritualistic work of both degrees.
  2. During six months of the term, the Chapter, in some manner, observes the Obligatory Days that occur during the term. The Final Letter requesting the MSA shall denote the manner of observance.
  3. During the six months of the term, the Chapter shall hold at least four of the five activities proscribed in previous MSA requirements:
    1. social
    2. civic
    3. fund raising
    4. Masonic service
    5. athletic
  4. The Master Councilor shall see to it that all reports and forms (Form 10s, Annual Reports, Advisor Registration/Certification, installation notification, financial, and any other jurisdictional forms) that are to be submitted during his term are submitted to the proper offices prior to specific deadlines established for each form.
  5. The Master Councilor applying for the PMC-MSA shall submit a Final Letter indicating completion of requirements 1 through 6. The letter shall indicate in detail the dates and activities of items 3 and 4 above. The Executive Officer will verify the completion of items 2 and 5. The Final Letter must be submitted to the Executive Officer within 10 days of the installation of the next Master Councilor.
These rules and regulations for the PMC-MSA are effective indefinitely and supercede any previous rules and regulations.

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